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Types Of Wood Furniture: Advantages And Disadvantages Of Oak

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Thinking of buying new furniture? Maybe your home needs a fresh look. With that in mind, you could set up a brand new set of oak wood furniture around the house.

Oak is a common type of wood furniture in Singapore. Many Singaporeans prefer oak wood for different reasons. Without further ado, here are the advantages and disadvantages of oak wood.



oak wood is one of the strongest types of wood. It’s hard, heavy, and dense, making itself resistant to physical damages. Its durability is also one of the many reasons why most manufacturers utilise oak wood for flooring, decking, and veneers.

The long-lasting qualities will make sure your furniture will stand the test of time. If you’re patient, you might live until you’re 90 years old, with enough time to see your oak wood furniture age like fine wine.


Sure, oak wood is durable and dense, but most importantly, it’s highly resistant to fungi and insects. Most of the time, critters and germs are the number one enemies of wood. However, with oak wood, you won’t face such issues. It’s naturally resistant to infestations! So if your home is ridden with pests, maybe you should get oak wood furniture?


Oak wood boasts a timeless and traditional aesthetic appeal that will look stylish no matter how long time has passed. With furniture made from oak, you won’t worry about going out of fashion. Your furniture will last a lifetime of stylishness and versatility as long as it’s made from oak!

Plus, oak comes in many variations, ranging from different colours to stylish patterns. Pick one that suits your taste, and rest assured that your choice will remain timeless!



Don’t be mistaken—oak is considered durable in every aspect. However, that doesn’t mean chairs, tables, and cabinets made from oak are resistant to scratches. Yes, it may be resistant to dents and blows, but sharp objects such as scissors and knives can leave scratch marks on your furniture if you aren't too careful.


Because of its dense properties, most oak wood furniture is too heavy, which might be a problem if your flooring can’t bear the weight. If you’re going to invest in furniture made from oak, make sure your floors can’t withstand heavy loads of weight.


Another disadvantage is that most oak products are weak against sunlight. For instance, if you leave a table made from oak out in the open where the sun is at its hottest, the chair’s colour and its pattern will change. The colour will mostly darken due to sunlight overexposure.