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Things You Didn’t Know About Whisky

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Did you know? The World Whisky Day always takes place on the third Saturday in May every year, and for this 2020 it will be on 16th of May, but before that day comes, let us look at the things you didn’t know about whiskey.

  1. Whiskey or Whiskey

As historical research per se, people from Scotland spell it “Whisky”, while people from Ireland spell it “Whiskey” — with an extra e between k and y.

The difference of these spelling comes from the translation word from Scottish to Irish, because back then, no one from Ireland can pronounce uisce beatha and so they called it fuisce.

  1. Whiskey is Clear!

You heard it right, whisky is originally clear, but the sumptuous darker tones come from the casks during the ageing process. With that said, barrel/cask can provide 60% of its flavour while 100% of its colour.

  1. Whisky is Beer

Believe it or not, whisky is beer without hops. So, if you love beer, you will surely love the taste of whisky, because the only difference they have is that whisky has been through the process of distillation.

  1. Whisky Taste Better Without Ice

If you want to indulge the true taste of whisky, and drink it without any cube of ice, because it can dull the flavour, and it also reduces the natural temperature of whisky too much.

  1. Whisky is Healthy, but With Moderation

Yes! Whisky is healthy, in effect, it can prevent strokes, dementia, heart attack, clogged arteries, and even fight cancer cells plus, but do remember to drink whisky moderately because too much can put you at risk.

  1. Whisky Means Water?

As you have read earlier, the word “Whisky” comes for the Scottish Gaelic of “uisge beatha”, which means “Water of Life”. That’s why many people drink whisky as an alternative to water from time to time.

With these facts you didn’t know, you are now ready to impress your friend when the world of whisky day comes. So when you get a bottle of whisky of your choice from this shop online called Platinum Wines & Spirits as they can do Whisky delivery all around Singapore.