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My Girlfriend Said Yes As I Propose To Her With A Solitaire Diamond Ring

· Diamond Ring

I propose to my girlfriend with the solitaire diamond ring I bought in an online diamond store in Singapore, and she said yes! Now she is my fiance, and we can’t wait for the wedding day to come. Allow me to tell the story that my preparations are to have a perfect proposal.

Okay, to begin with, I met her through a friend when I was 15 years old; We become friends, and we always go to the movies, museums, and sightseeing. It was then; I realise I am falling for her, and I want her to be mine forever. So, I ask her on a date, one summer day. I bought her to the amusement park; we had fun, and that’s when I ask her to be my girlfriend, and she said yes. I didn’t expect her to say yes, but I was hoping too, and it happened right before my eyes. Since then, she has become my only high school sweetheart, and forever will be.

Our relationship isn’t perfect, and we don’t believe in happily ever after, but we were together for 10 years. Now, I realise I want her to be with her forever, be the mother of my kid, my wife, and I will be the happiest man on the planet. Before I could propose to her, I want to ensure that we are on the same page and if marriage is also on her mind.

She said yes, and after our opening to her about marriage, I desire to ask her one of these days, and the date I want to propose to her is on our anniversary day. I ask her parent about my proposal, we this a heart to heart talk about what will be our future together, and if we are ready to spend the rest of our life together. Thankfully, her parents granted me their permission to marry her, and I am so happy about it.

After meeting her parents, I realise I need to buy a diamond ring to formally ask her hand in marriage. and so I went online to read the reviews of the leading diamond store in Singapore. Later that day, I visit an engagement ring shop and ask them if they could curate a solitaire diamond ring for my girlfriend.

The engagement ring shop says I have the freedom to create a unique engagement ring for my girlfriend. They let me choose the price setting, the ring style, how many karats of gold or if wanted to make the material platinum, and I’ll be receiving more or less in 30 days.

But 30 days didn’t pass, and I receive the solitaire diamond ring I have been waiting for. With the diamond ring came early, I ask her immediately in her parent’s house, and she said yes, she willing to be with me for the rest of her life.

So, if you want to propose to your girlfriend, create a unique engagement ring for her, because every girl’s dream is to wear a diamond ring made for her. Contact Vivo Diamonds in Singapore as they will curate the diamond ring according to your preference.