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Three Steps in Looking Sharp and Sophisticated

· fashion boutique sg
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If you are working in a city like Singapore, you should know that how you present yourself matters in a professional, or even social, setting. Most people opt for safe choices in clothes: plain shirts and tops, solid colour pants, and minimal accessories. They’re not in the wrong though, plain clothes are the safest bet when it comes to presenting yourself in a formal manner.

But you don’t have to dress yourself in boring, uniform-esque outfits, you can still look presentable and sophisticated with just three tips from experts at The Label SG.

Get yourself a line of formal dresses with small, aesthetically pleasing prints.

  • Even if you like to dress yourself with uniformity, having choices and options for what you want to wear for the day is still viable.

Save a special outfit for traditional occasions.

  • In Singapore and East Asian countries where they closely observe their traditional practices, you can find women wearing Cheongsam, be it a traditional one or a piece with a modern twist in it. Regardless of the matter, you should have a special dress saved for occasions.

Get quality-made shoes or comfortable heels.

  • What you wear on your feet is another branch of your personality. A safe choice is to get a pair of genuine leather shoes that works with almost every professional outfit that you can think off.
  • If your workplace still recommends you to wear heels, get a pair that you can be comfortable with walking in and out of the office. Kitten heels, wedges, and chunky heels are a safe choice when you are starting out.

With these foolproof fashion tips, you can safely stand out from the crowd whilst maintaining a professional aura. Get the newest and trendiest pair of shoes, heels, dresses, and more at The Label SG, Singapore’s leading online fashion boutique.