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Should You Buy An Upright Piano In Singapore? Know Here

· Piano price comparis,Piano price Singapor,Piano shop Singapore
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Perhaps, one of the most exciting and overwhelming activities for beginner piano players is purchasing their first piano. They often end up deciding whether to buy an upright piano in Singapore or a grand one. But which of the two is ideal?

Here are the reasons why you should buy an upright piano from your piano shop in Singapore:


When it comes to piano price comparison, upright pianos are extremely much cheaper than grand pianos. Yet, despite their affordable price, the sound quality and the housing are almost on a par with grand pianos. Affordable yet quality pianos are the best for beginner players. 


The most distinct difference between upright and grand pianos is the dimensions. Grand pianos in a piano sale in Singapore measure between four to ten feet in length, while width ranging between four to seven feet. Meanwhile, upright pianos measure three to five feet in height and two to three feet in depth. 

A grand piano weighs 240 to 500 kilograms, while an upright piano weighs 180 to 227 kilograms. 

3.Acoustic sound quality

Although grand pianos have excellent sound, it doesn't mean upright pianos have subpar sound. For a low piano price in Singapore, upright pianos surprisingly give deep and robust sound quality, even better than a baby grand. 


Upright pianos do not fall out in the aesthetic department. Like grand pianos, upright pianos have unique handicraft cabinetry as well. They also come in different colours. You can easily 


Because of their compact dimension and lighter weight, upright pianos are highly mobile. You can easily rearrange their placement in the house like any other piece of furniture. Transferring them from a room to another is effortless. 

If you are still deciding whether to buy an upright piano in Singapore, these reasons might be enough to convince you that upright pianos are the best choice. 

Get the world-class upright pianos at Steinway Gallery Singapore. Visit Steinway Gallery Singapore today.
