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Should You Buy A Piano In Singapore? Know Why It Should Be Your First Instrument

· Piano shop Singapore,Piano sale,Buy piano
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From Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart of the Classical music period to Frédéric Chopin of the Romantic music period, both music prodigies of their eras had one commonality; the mastery of the piano. 

The instrument's ability to sustain notes, express emotion, and indicate wealth and aristocracy during those periods were the reasons why it gained popularity. In today's modern age, the piano remains the best first instrument to learn. Each blockbuster piano sale in Singapore is a piece of evidence. 

Here are the reasons you should buy a piano in Singapore and have it as your first instrument to learn. 

1.It is easier to learn music theories.

Part of learning any instrument was understanding music theories. Because of the linear structure of the piano, it is easy for students to visualise the fundamentals of music theories, such as the chords, chord progressions, and intervals, among others. If you want a full grasp of music theories, it is time to visit a piano shop in Singapore

2.The piano applies to any component of music.

Music has a lot of areas to learn. Melody, harmony, and rhythm are among the examples. It is easier to teach singers and even instrumentalists using these three components.

3.The piano has a wide pitch range.

A standard piano from a piano shop in Singapore has seven full octaves. Meaning it can reach a treble and bass or the highest and lowest notes with ease. Some pianos have a different number of octaves. In a piano price comparison, the one with seven octaves is more expensive than those with fewer. 

4.The piano has an accurate and clear sound.

Students get frustrated when they can't execute the note clearly. For example, guitars produce a buzzing sound if the strings are not pressed against the fret firmly. With piano, every press of the keys produces a clear and accurate note. A piano with a higher price in Singapore has a richer sound than cheap knockoffs. 

Bring the inner music prodigy out of you by buying this stellar instrument from a piano sale in Singapore. 

Play great harmonies and eargasmic melodies with Steinway Gallery Singapore. Visit Steinway Gallery Singapore today. 
