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Remember These 4 Tips Before Buying From a T Shirt Supplier in Singapore

· t shirt supplier,shirt supplier,corporate polo


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When it comes to finding a t shirt supplier for your business in Singapore, you must conduct the necessary research. It isn’t enough for a shirt to simply look good for you to buy it immediately. There are things you need to do to avoid making mistakes. Here in this article are four tips you can use when selecting a shirt supplier.

Set Your Criteria

Before looking for a shirt supplier in Singapore, you need to lay down some parameters to limit your options to what is necessary for your needs. Here are some examples of what should be part of your criteria when picking a t shirt supplier:

  • Amount of shirts you need
  • Delivery time
  • Method of delivery
  • Payment methods
  • Return policies

One essential aspect to remember when setting up your criteria is to make them realistic. Follow the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework to make it easier for you.

Inspect Their Reliability

Your t shirt supplier needs to be reliable to ensure quality service. A business owner should assess them by checking their location, distance from a logistics hub, experience, and communication.

Check Their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Before you buy anything from your t shirt supplier in Singapore, ensure that their CSR practices are decent. It wouldn’t reflect nicely on your business to acquire goods from a company that practices unfair wages, exploitation, discrimination, or child labour. Remember that people are willing to hold your establishment accountable for any corporate polo shirt acquired unethically.

Look for Recent Customer Reviews

Do not forget to check their customer reviews before you decide to buy anything from your t shirt supplier. It’s better to know what the people before you have experienced than knowing it first hand.

Uno Apparel is a t shirt supplier in Singapore. They offer customers a wide range of products that prioritise comfort and convenience. If you’re interested, visit their website today.
