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Piano Shop Battle Singapore: Acoustic Piano VS Digital

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There are two main piano categories in a piano shop in Singapore: acoustic piano and digital piano.

Acoustic pianos use strings, hammers, and soundboards to produce sound. Grand pianos and upright pianos are subtypes of acoustic pianos. Acoustic pianos are typical in piano sale promos in Singapore

Digital piano produces digital sound using its electronic speakers. The sound it emits are imitations of the acoustic piano. 

But which of the two is the best choice when you buy a piano in Singapore


Acoustic Piano

Acoustic pianos produce better authentic sound. Acoustic pianos have much louder sound and a richer tone. Pianists also have better control and articulation of the sound in an acoustic piano. 

On the other hand, acoustic pianos only produce one sound. 

Digital Piano

Although digital piano's sound is an imitation of acoustic pianos, there is still a hint of robotic and unnatural tone. You can adjust the volume of the digital piano; however, it lacks the natural reverb quality. 

Digital pianos have sound varieties.


Acoustic Piano

Acoustic pianos are generally larger and much heavier due to their inside mechanism. Even upright pianos, the compact variety of acoustic piano, are still massive and bulkier than a digital piano. 

Digital Piano

Digital pianos are portable and flexible. They are lightweight and can be carried around with ease. Since it lacks a built-in mechanism, digital pianos need a power source to work. Buskers typically buy a digital piano in Singapore


Acoustic Piano

Acoustic piano needs regular maintenance and tuning. 

Digital Piano

Digital pianos require low maintenance.


Acoustic Piano

Acoustic pianos can last up to 30 years. 

Digital Piano 

Digital piano can last up to seven years. 


Acoustic Piano

When it comes to piano price comparison, acoustic pianos are more expensive considering the top-tier materials, high-quality sound, world-renowned durability, and exclusivity.

Digital Piano 

The piano price for digitals in Singapore is much lower than acoustic. 

Which of the two pianos is the one for you? 

If you think acoustic pianos are the best, Steinway Gallery Singapore can provide you with a world-class one!