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How to Find the Best Place to Sell Your Gold Jewellery

· Jewelry Store

The year 2020 has been a difficult time for many businesses, and some have resorted to lending their personal belongings to keep their company afloat. It is not exactly a bad strategy to perform as long as they get to maximise the money they got from their beloved jewellery. If the premise of this situation resonates with you, then you might as well be thinking about selling your gold jewellery in Singapore! While the fear of getting ripped off is a universal feeling, it is recommended that you take precautionary measures so that you make the right choices. You should consider the time that you sell them and the buyer who will give a fair price.

In this article, you will learn about when is the best time to sell your gold and jewellery. Also, you will find tips on how to ensure you have found the best place to sell them.

Signs to tell you it is time to sell

There will always come a time in your life when you have no choice but to sacrifice to secure a future. It might involve quitting a job that is doing nothing good for your professional growth or, for this case, selling your precious gold jewellery. Here are some signs to tell you it is time to sell:

High uncertainty in the economy
As the world is experiencing a health crisis, you can also expect a financial crisis. It is in these moments of an economic downturn that investors flock to gold, which increases their demand. Therefore, it is the perfect opportunity to sell gold!

You do not know what to do with it anymore
Remember that a luxurious item that is kept in a safety deposit box has a value. When it has been collecting dust, you are risking it getting broken. It is much better if you sell your old Rolex watch in Singapore instead. In this way, the cash you get can grow in investment elsewhere.

Projections of spot price are high
Gold constantly fluctuates in value, therefore it will be difficult to beat the market and get the best value out of it. What you and other savvy investors are already doing, is to keep track of gold forecasts and analyses! They will help you sell your gold at the best possible time and the best place to sell it.

How to find the best place

If you are that type of person who does not want to rely on anyone when it comes to their property, then you might want to follow these tips so that you can find the best buyer for your precious jewellery!

An unbiased appraisal
Nothing is more frustrating than getting less than what you deserve. It is not a feeling that you want to get when you already sold your gold at a significantly lower price when you could have gotten more out of it. To avoid this, you should seek a buyer or store that has an appraisal service. Ensure that they are weighing it right, inspecting the details, and consider the novelty of your gold jewellery.

Has credibility
This industry of gold selling in Singapore is not that big. Therefore, it would not be a challenge to compare and contrast every store that can buy your Rolex watch or gold bar. Examine their credentials and research about their company because it will save you from getting caught in a scam!

Check their policy
It is said that there are three best places to sell gold in Singapore, specifically online gold buyers, bullion pawnshops, and local jewellers. Out of these three, you can expect getting the highest possible price from selling online! They know how much more economical to operate a business online than it is to physical stores, so they have low operating costs to worry about.

Once you catch the market for gold and jewellery is at its high point, then you should not delay selling your items! Immediately find a place that embodies these qualities, then you do not hesitate to sell your gold jewellery to them!

Selling Your Gold to Jen Jewel

Whether your watch or gold jewellery is a family heirloom or a recent impulse purchase, you should get the most out of them! With Jen Jewel, you can expect to get the selling price that your goods and jewellery deserve. It is the best place to sell gold jewellery in Singapore because they have appraisers who can measure a fair price to your gold bars, pens, branded watches, and jewellery. Also, they can ensure that they comply with the policies that they have, including reimbursements and privacy policies!

Visit their website to call them up and get the best price for your gold jewellery today!