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How I Found A Reliable Shop For The Things I Need

· Online Mattress,iPhone Price,Laser Printer

Ever since the pandemic, I have been looking for a site to buy the things I need. I need to purchase items that I could use for work, now that the company I work for requires us to have office equipment before they send our belongings that are in the office. Some of the things that I need are a new phone and a laser printer. 

Let me share my journey on how I found the best online shop in Malaysia. 


Looking for a website is easy, but it is hard to determine if it is legitimate or not. The first thing I did was check for a reliable website that sells everything I need. It is to make my online shopping convenient. I also did not forget to do some background checking about the shop and see if there is shady information about them.  

Since I wanted to buy expensive things, like a laser printer, phone, and Apple watch in Malaysia, I ensured that the website that offers it sells an original product. There are times when the website is legitimate, but the goods are not. It is one of the many lessons I have learned when shopping online. Check for these things to avoid scam pages and fake products. Always be careful in trusting a website. 


Since I need a new phone, I decided to have an iPhone. When I searched for the iPhone price in Malaysia, I read reviews and comments about the product and the seller. Good thing, almost everything that I saw is positive, so it lessens my worry of receiving a fake product or not receiving anything at all. 

I remember when I was starting shopping online. I was too lazy to read everything on the page. If I see the picture, I will buy it immediately. However, the time came that no package arrived on my doorstep. It was an online mattress I saw in Malaysia, and I badly needed it for my bed at that time. Sadly, the website did not do anything to resolve the issue. When I went back to the shop, someone in the comments said that they experienced the same incident as mine, and they recommended not to buy anything from them.  


While searching for products, I was shocked when they also sell an online mattress. I thought they only have electronics because they have a laser printer, Apple watch, and iPhone that I need. 

I dug deeper on their website and saw that they have almost everything that someone could use for what they need. The shop has technology, phones, appliances, health care, personal care, furniture, bed frames, mattresses, and homeware. They are complete, and it is convenient for someone like me who loves shopping online. 


Even though I found a reliable website that supplies all my needs, my number one priority is to buy my laser printer. I need it for my office work, especially that I am working from home. It is hard because I do not have all the tools I need. But, I realised that it is worth the money because I could use it for a long time. 

Before I placed an order, I also looked for a laser printer on other websites to check where I could buy a cheaper item. I included the product price and delivery service charge to ensure that I could cover everything. I also looked for discount vouchers that I could use. 


I want to ensure that everything I see on the website is reliable, so I approached their customer service and asked about the laser printer and Apple watch that I wanted to buy. They answered me with all gladness and professionalism, and they covered every concern I had before I purchased. 


When I placed the order for my laser printer, I could not help myself to include the Apple watch. I added an iPhone to my cart, but I did not buy it yet. I want to ensure that I could still find other stores where I could buy a cheaper phone. I also checked online for a mattress, but it would cost me too much delivery service charge, and it will be beyond my budget. 


After two days, I received my laser printer and Apple watch. They were all in good condition. I tried it immediately, and it worked perfectly fine. I went back to the website where I bought it to leave a review, and it feels nice to put a positive one in there. The customer service is also approachable and professional, which convinced me that they are legitimate. 

If you are looking for a reliable shop to buy the things you need, visit Harvey Norman Malaysia’ website. You could check all the items and products that they have there.