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Here’s Why Women Love Accepting Flowers from Men

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Regardless of the time, women are still unpredictable as men of the past say. At one moment they laugh heartily, while, the minute after, they cry endlessly. However, no matter how unpredictable they are, women love getting flowers from men. More so, to the one they dearly love. Flowers can melt their heart and even change their views. Thus, the question is, why do women love getting flowers like a dried bouquet? Keep reading to find out the answer.

1. Flowers Are Satisfyingly Pointless
This phrase might sound weird since flowers eventually die. However, women love the idea you spent time choosing and buying it for them. Such action can make them smile from ear to ear.

2. They Think It Reflects Who They Are
Every flower symbolises something. Each has its meaning. Thus, if you give a tulip bouquet in Singapore, it makes them feel one of a kind. You see, tulips are the first type of a flower that blooms in spring. It means simplicity with enchanting beauty.

3. It Makes Time Stops for a Moment
Metaphorically, this is true. Flowers create a moment of bliss. It makes women forget the concept of time as they are staring at how beautiful this plant is. They spend time admiring it from its appearance and smell.

4. Sparks the Memory of You
Be it a hot air balloon flower from Singapore or elsewhere. A woman would always recall the memory of how they received it from you. Thus, whenever she glances it, she will surely remember the moment you say, this is for you. That memory alone would make them fall for you more.

5. Never Fails to Make the Feel Loved
It might sound a little bit old-fashioned, but women love this idea. Since flowers signify something, it helps to deliver the message you want to rely on to them. For example, a carnation means deep love and affection. If you were to send them this, they would know how much you love them.

As you might have noticed, their reasons why they loved receiving flowers like a dried bouquet is unpredictable, too. It sounds a little crazy, but that is how women are. They love being like that as they love surprises. If you need help with which flower suits your loved one, Petite Fleur can help you choose.

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