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Here are 5 Flowers You Can Choose When Sending Your Condolences

· same day delivery,rose bouquet SG,online florist SG,condolence flowers,Singapore
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Sending condolence flowers in Singapore is a great way to tell your message to those who lost someone. These blooms carry messages and act as a substitute for people who have difficulty sharing their sympathies through words. There are many options you can consider when it comes to condolence flowers. Read the article below to learn more.


Sending a rose bouquet in Singapore, especially the white ones, is a popular choice when it comes to conveying your sympathies. The colour symbolises the start of a new beginning and a farewell. Additionally, they are a sign of remembrance. They also carry the message that the departed one will never be forgotten. Your other options can either be yellow or peach coloured roses.


Before choosing to buy chrysanthemums from an online florist in Singapore, consider the mourner’s cultural background as these flowers carry different meanings across the world. Yellow and orange variants are signs of joyous moments, such as birthdays and wedding anniversaries. However, white chrysanthemums are the preferred colour to send for people mourning.


These condolence flowers are great options to send to people grieving over a loved one. These blooms symbolise peace and hope. They also serve as a reminder that the deceased will never be forgotten.


Carnations carry messages of love, devotion, and remembrance to the departed. Like roses, these flowers come in different colours. If the grieving family are Christians, pick these condolence flowers from an online florist in Singapore.


These condolence flowers represent everlasting love due to their long-lasting blooms. Since there are a wide variety of orchids, it can be tough to pick which one to choose. Going with the traditional colours of pink and white are your safest choice as they symbolise innocence, remembrance, and memories.

If you’re looking for a same day flower delivery service in Singapore, check out Flowers and Kisses for more information on how you can qualify for the service.