There are more than 20 types of bags in the world, and if you are looking for designer bags to give to your mum, sister, wife, daughter, female friend, and girlfriend, the best bags to give are womens tote bags and crossbody bags.
These bags are the most functional and most used bags by women. But what are the differences between the womens crossbody bags and tote bags?
Tote bags
Tote bags are slightly large unfastened bags with parallel handles worn on the shoulders. These are usually square or rectangular bags. Although most tote bags are open, some versions now have zippers or flaps and magnetic snaps.
Crossbody bags
Crossbody bags are bags with one long strap worn over one shoulder across your body. The bags come in different shapes and sizes. They are as small as a clutch bag or as big as a tote bag. They can be rectangular, square, or circular.
Tote bags
Tote bags are everyday bags. Because of their size, they are very functional. You can use them for grocery shopping, as a work bag, and as an alternative to designer shoulder bags.
Crossbody bags
Based on their history, messengers used crossbody bags to carry bulky letters. But due to evolution, womens crossbody bags have many uses. Women use big crossbody bags at work and school.
The smaller crossbody bags are for formal and informal occasions.
Tote bags
Cotton fabrics, woven fibres, canvas, leather, and recycled materials, are the common materials for tote bags.
Crossbody bags
Leather, synthetic leather, fabrics, and wicker are the most common materials for crossbody bags.
Tote bags
You can use tote bags at work and school. Some wear designer tote bags at formal and casual events.
Men and women can use tote bags.
Crossbody bags
You can use crossbody bags at work and school. Some wear crossbody bags at formal and casual events.
Men and women can use crossbody bags.
Which of the two is perfect for your girl?
Find world-class designer bags at Louis Vuitton. Visit Louis Vuitton today.