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Debunking These Five Myths About Memory Foams

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So, you are in the market seeking a memory foam mattress. Yes, adverts do sound enticing, but you are confused if you're investing a large number of rupees on a memory foam mattress. And, after that, there are those myths that frustrate you. You aren’t only. There are scores of folks who are faced with a tough choice when they need to buy the latest mattress. Choosing the best mattress can be a little of a struggle. To help eliminate many conflicting data, we are going to expose five common foam mattress myths.

Myth 1: Foam “sleeps hot.”

Fact: Foam did have the status of sleeping hot. But, that is a story of days gone by. Today, newer high tech foam mattresses have switched this to fiction. A good quality memory foam mattress can wick away heat and moisture around three times faster compared to the traditional mattress. Just about all-foam mattresses are likewise encased with breathable covers, which means sleeping hot is no more an issue with foam mattresses.

Myth 2: A foam mattress is expensive

Fact: Yes, a few leading brands may be expensive. Even so, you can find some newer firms that have forayed into the mattress industry, and make equally great mattresses at affordable price things. You can easily get yourself a memory bed for half of the purchase price you can pay for a big manufacturer if you do your homework right. A number of these companies also permit you to buy the mattress on the web and ship your mattress right from the warehouse to your house, which cuts down overheads such as showroom rental. This benefit is offered to the buyers and you could walk away with an extremely good deal.

Myth 3: Very comfortable and cozy initially, but it develops dips over time

Fact: Yes, when you get a cheap, poor foam mattress, this can be the inevitable truth. Regrettably, there is a lot of cheap memory foam mattress on the Singaporean market, a whole lot of from traders. That said, the quality foam does not develop dips and cavities, and if it can, it’s generally covered under warranty. Thus, what do we learn from this? Choose a mattress that comes with a 10-year non-prorated guarantee that doesn’t have the very least sag need to be listed to negate guarantee claims.

Myth 4: Foam “off-gasses” and has a foul odor.

Fact: Most people decide on a spring mattress because they believe that memory foam emits a good foul odor. This, once again, is bound to low quality and economical memory foams. When you look for memory foam, you must be sure that it is not:

  • Made from PBDE flame retardants

  • Made with mercury, lead and other major metals

  • Made with phthalates

  • Made from ozone depleters

  • Made with formaldehyde

Also, be sure that it features low VOC emissions for better indoor air quality. The count must be less than 0.5 parts per million.

Myth 5: The denser the foam the firmer it is

Reality: The firmness of the foam entirely depends on how it is made. For example, two different companies can make a foam bed with the same dimensions, but you can be firmer compared to the other. So, be sure to test the mattress you intend on buying. And, if you method on buying one, have a look at their return policy if you don't like the feel of the mattress.

Those are five of the numerous myths that surround foam mattresses. Do not shy away from a memory space foam mattress. You may rest assured you can discover a good one that gives you years of support and ease.

If you are looking for a pocket spring mattress in Singapore, visit our website and discover the mattress that you need today!