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Coping with Parenting Stress: How Shopping at Motherswork Helped Me

· Online Shopping

Did you know that your babies can detect if you are stressed? Yes, and they can also be affected by it. They said that stress is contagious, and for such a young age, I do not want my baby to get affected by moments of stress. If this is the first time that you discovered this information, you must probably be racking your brain thinking of the moments that you held your baby while you were having an internal meltdown. Well, it is best to not think of the past and just focus on the future. It is what I did when I first discovered this fact. So, you must be curious about what I did then. I have two words for you: online and shopping. Yes, I did a lot of online shopping to relieve the stress of parenting. I know you must be thinking that I have plenty of time and money on my hands. To which, I answer, not so much. I would like to think that I am a wise and responsible online shopper because I only bought essentials such as UV sterilizer baby bottles and breast pumps, among other mother and baby things. There was only one shop that I trusted when I was in my weak moments. It was none other than Motherswork!

Here, I am dedicating a review of their products that have stuck with me when I was taking care of my baby in her first year. Allow me to express my gratitude towards them that might also persuade you into buying your baby essentials at their shop!

Their mobile-friendly website
I cannot think of the time that I have touched my laptop during the first year of my daughter. I think you might be able to relate to this, too! No one has the time to wait for a laptop to open so that you can search for stuff or articles about stuff. So, I am grateful for Motherswork mobile compatibility because I could easily browse their Beaba products in Singapore that I could buy for my baby. Sometimes, I would even scroll through their website while I put my baby to sleep on my arms! Yes, it is that convenient for me. In this way, I know that when I am holding my baby close to me, I am not in a stressed condition because shopping relaxes me!

Frequent sale promotions
Mothers like me are still on a budget. Even with only having one child, there are plenty of expenses to consider. The anxiety of keeping the baby stuff clean is something that I could only get rid off when I know that her bottles have been cleared for germs with the help of a reliable baby sterilizer machine in Singapore. What I like about Motherswork is that they have this machine on sale! So, I could not pass up the opportunity to relieve my anxiety with the help of a discounted price.

Plenty of brands to choose from
I think a lot of mothers would agree that it is hard to find a reliable brand, too. Well, they have a wide range of brands as well. If there is one brand that you trust when it comes to breast pumps in Singapore, then you might find it in Motherswork. They have over 20 brands that are in their online store right now! It would be hard for them to miss the brand that you are looking for. To list a few:

  • Avent
  • Beaba
  • Haenim
  • Oxo Tot
  • Pigeon

These are just some of the popular brands that can ensure reliability and safety for the bottles that your baby needs. So, if you can relate to me being an anxious mother, I highly recommend that you get a sterilizer from Motherswork as well.

Shopping with Motherswork

There are only a handful of brands that mums can trust. Considering that I am a new mum, I know that I have to make plenty of research to know which brand that I could trust and cannot trust. With Motherswork, they have saved me plenty of time because they are giving their customers the list of brands that you know you can trust. I am grateful for this because, instead of dedicating time to research for a specific UV sterilizer baby bottle brand, I can make that time to take care of my daughter. I already know that Haenim is a brand I can trust for it because Motherswork would not advertise them if it were not trustworthy!

If you want to know what I am talking about, then you should visit Motherswork today and get all your baby’s needs in one online shop!