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Building Confidence: 5 Ways to Teach Kids How to Dress

· girls knitted cardig,toddler girl cardiga
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The foundation of fashion should be the inner confidence of a person. It’s best to teach children to have confidence in themselves at a very young age. It’s the feeling that you can learn and achieve things at your own pace. Luckily, fashion can teach people how to embrace themselves. To know more, here’s how you can teach your kids style with a shirt, pants, shoes and a skirt for girls and boys. 

1.Embrace Their Skin Colour and Body Type

As kids grow up, they might encounter people saying there’s only a specific type of beauty. In Asian culture, whiter skin is deemed to be more attractive. So, as a parent, telling them about embracing oneself is the first step of developing inner confidence.

2.Let Them Express Themselves

There’s no rule with fashion! You can wear denim over a plain shirt or girls knitted cardigan with pants. You can experiment with expressing yourself freely! Let your kids show their creativity with fashion and see how it can improve their self-confidence. 

3.Teach About Colours and Patterns 

Fashion is sometimes about combining colours or patterns. Teach your kids how to mix and match colours to achieve a specific look. For example, you can mix a bright skirt and top for a baby girl with earth-toned colour shoes. Doing this will help your kids find suitable matches for their clothing choices. 

4.Set a Good Example

Of course, parents should set a good example for their children. Show your kids that you also took care of yourself. This way, they can adapt this attitude and grow into self-reliant. You can tell them to do whatever makes them happy. If your kids want to wear a skirt for girls, so be it! 

5.Teach Them How to Shop

Being fashionable is not always about buying the most expensive clothing collections. For instance, you can buy for your toddler a girl cardigan at a lower price from a thrift shop. Teach this technique to your kids to purchase cheap yet quality clothes.  

Indeed, fashion builds confidence, so if you're planning to buy your kids' clothes, choose SUNJI MISE because of their quality clothes. Visit their website to check their latest collection of a skirt for girls.
