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All You Need To Know About The Types Of Knee Support In Singapore

· compression,Arm sleeve,knee support,ankle guard
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You might have seen professional athletes wearing garments around their arms, knees, and ankles. These garments are not just for sports fashion purposes. A compression arm sleeve and ankle guard in Singapore are essential in improving the athlete's performance and preventing injuries. Knee support in Singapore has the same fundamental functions, depending on its type.

Here are the most common types of knee support in Singapore:

1. Knee sleeves

Like a compression arm sleeve, the knee sleeve's function is to provide gentle pressure and compression around the knee to support its structure. This type of knee support in Singapore also helps relieve swelling after a minor injury and surgery. There are two kinds of knee sleeves: open and closed popliteal and open and closed patella. 

2. Knee pads

Knee pads are knee sleeves with pads. The rigid pads' task is to protect the knees and reduce the chances of injury. It also provides support to the structure of the knees. This knee support in Singapore is commonly used in sports like BMX, skateboarding, and roller coasting. 

3. Knee straps

Knee straps, also known as patellar bands, are knee supports suitable for runners and jumpers. They are worn between the kneecap and shin. Its main job is to apply gentle pressure to the patella tendon, improving the kneecap movement. 

4. Hinged knee braces

Hinged knee braces tasks are more crucial compared to other knee supports in Singapore. The hinged knee brace's primary purpose is to provide stabilisation by supporting the ligaments in the knees. People who suffer from knee injuries, like strains, sprains, and ligament tears, often wear hinged knee braces. Its functions are almost similar to an ankle brace in Singapore.

5. Post-operative knee braces

Unlike typical knee sleeves that use a stretchable garment, a post-operative knee brace uses materials such as stretchable cloth, metal, plastic, and foam. Patients wear this knee support in Singapore before and after their knee surgery.

You can determine which type of knee support is suitable for you if you consult your doctor.

Find the appropriate knee support and ankle brace in Singapore at Rigorer. Visit Rigorer today.
