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All-Season Fashion Tips from The Label Singapore

· Fashion
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Do you often find yourself in a fashion dilemma when the season changes? Imagine this scenario: you have 30 minutes to get ready and yet you are still looking for the perfect outfit, your closet is a mess, and you can’t find any matching socks. If you’re looking for foolproof outfit plans, read on below!

These fashion tips and tricks are brought to you by The Label SG, Singapore’s trendiest fashion boutique which supports local fashion designers by collaborating with them.

A General Tip:

  • One common tip that most people say is that you should plan out your outfits the night before, that way, you don’t have to stress yourself out the next morning. Organizing and planning are two skills that every fashionista should have.

Summer/Hot Weather Fashion Tips:

  • Keep it light. Stick with fun, pastel colours when the sun is shining high in the sky. Not only light-coloured clothes will bring out your glow, it will help you keep cool during humid days.
  • Wear shorts and skirts with thin tights. For when it’s too hot out to wear pants but you still want to cover your legs, you can wear shorts, skirts, and dresses with cute tights from a local fashion boutique. You can get them in neutral colours or in fun patterns!
  • Lightweight jackets are life savers. In the summer, expect that buildings will crank up their air conditioning units to keep their patrons cool and comfortable. Most buildings in a city like Singapore have powerful AC units so you don’t want to get caught wearing a top and shorts without a lightweight jacket around you.
  • Mix and match! Summer is a fun time to bring out patterns and match them with the rest of your ensemble. Have fun trying out which pattern looks the best with your other clothes.

Winter/Cold Weather Fashion Tips:

  • Bring out the leather. Leather jackets, whether genuine or faux, are a good addition to a simple winter outfit. Spice up your ensemble with a vintage leather jacket from a fashion boutique for a tougher look.
  • Layer up! Start with a thin top and layer it up with a cute sweater, a jacket, and you can even add a scarf, if you’re not too warm.
  • Match your hats and scarves. This tip works best if your outfit is monochromatic. Have fun with matching your hats and scarves with patterns and colours!

The ultimate key to get the most out of your outfit is confidence. Even if you’re not wearing expensive, brand name clothes, your confidence will still shine through.