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5 Tips on How to Maintain the Quality of Kids Clothes

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No one wants to waste the money they spent on kids clothes from an online Singapore store! So, while you choose or wait for your orders, you should know how to maintain them long enough until your kids grow out of it. Take note of some of these tips!

Choose breathable cotton
Fabric is a top-most priority when it comes to considering factors of buying kids clothes since it is the one that will touch the skin. Think practical and choose clothes that are made of breathable cotton for an easy wash and quick drying as well!

Act quickly on stains
So, you have found kids clothes in Singapore that have cute designs or patterns. When your child makes a mess, wipe away the stain as quickly as possible to prevent damage and preserve the colours of the clothes! With this, you can avoid using harsh chemicals to remove a well-absorbed stain.

Choose air-drying
When the weather allows it, then you should hang your kids freshly washed clothes outside to dry. Using dryers can overheat specific fabric which can cause shrinkage and colour fading. If you cannot avoid the dryer, set it to the lowest heat setting possible.

Do not use chlorine bleach
Go for organic cleaning agents when you want to brighten up the colours of your kids’ clothes! Use vinegar instead of chlorine bleach since it has milder but potent elements that can combat the dullness. Also, it is much better for the environment!

Store it properly
Given the tight spaces in Singapore homes, you should not compromise when it comes to clothes storage! Make sure that you fold or hang the clothes properly, and keep it in a cool and dry place.

Now that you know how to maintain the quality of your clothes, then you are ready to buy more valuable kids clothes online in Singapore from Chateau De Sable!

Visit their website to see their selection.