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5 tips for choosing wedding bands and rings in Singapore

· Diamond Ring

After finding the perfect engagement ring for you and your partner, the wedding ring and bands should be your next step to finalising the wedding. While the engagement ring is considered to be more flashy and extravagant, your wedding ring and your bands are just as important.

Here is a guide for choosing the perfect wedding ring and wedding bands.

1. Buy your wedding ring and bands together

A ring and a band should represent the couple’s love for each other. Therefore, it’s a good idea to select from a few wedding rings and bands together to find the perfect choices that complement each other.

2. Why not mix it up?

While the previous tip tells you to find rings and bands that complement each other, that doesn’t mean you’re restricted to other choices. Feel free to mix it up and choose a ring and a band that complement both you and your partner personalities separately.

3. Start early

Give yourself two to three months before the date of the wedding. This way, you’ll have enough time to find the perfect ring and band.

4. Budget is important

Since wedding rings and bands are very expensive in Singapore, it’s important to analyse your budget restrictions. Even before you start finding rings and bands, think of a realistic budget plan to leave more financial room for the wedding.

5. Consider your lifestyle

You’ll probably wear your wedding band every day for the rest of your life, so it’s important to buy one that will complement your lifestyle. Find a wedding band that will suit your lifestyle so you can wear it every day.

With so many customised wedding rings and bands in Singapore for you to choose from, it can be difficult to find out which ones will suit you and your partner. Follow the aforementioned tips and you’ll never go wrong with your ring and band of choice!

For tips regarding diamond wedding bands in Singapore, visit Vivo Diamonds.