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5 Tips For Choosing the Perfect Diamond Engagement Ring

· Diamond Ring

There’s nothing in the world that could compare to the perfect diamond ring for your one and only love in life. It’s not the diamond itself that makes the ring valuable, but the sentimental value behind it.

If you’re looking for the perfect diamond ring in Singapore, here are some tips you should know about:


1. List down your needs

The first step in finding the perfect ring is to list down your needs to make it easier for you to narrow down your wants in terms of shape, colour, and size. There are thousands of diamond engagement rings in Singapore, so list down the qualities you’re want to narrow down your choices.


2. Measure your partner’s ring size

Measuring your partner’s ring size is no doubt the most challenging aspect of finding the perfect ring! You can do so discreetly by seeking help from your partner’s family or friend.


3. Find a compatible wedding ring

The wedding ring is usually different when compared to an engagement ring, but you could always choose a theme that’s perfect for the setting of your wedding. While you’re finding an engagement ring, find and match your choice with a wedding ring as well!


4. Ensure the price matches the quality

Most unique engagement rings in Singapore are quite expensive, but that doesn’t mean they’re all made of high-class quality. Inspect the quality of each ring to justify the price.


5. Know what your partner wants

In the end, the choice is up to you and what your partner wants! There’s no need to choose an expensive ring if your partner insists upon it, so know what they want and find a ring that has a sentimental message behind it!


The search for the perfect ring might take a while, so start your journey early. To add a trustworthy option to your list, try searching for the ideal ring at Vivo Diamonds.

There’s nothing in the world that could compare to the perfect diamond ring for your one and only love in life. It’s not the diamond itself that makes the ring valuable, but the sentimental value behind it.

If you’re looking for the perfect diamond ring in Singapore, here are some tips you should know about: