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5 Possible Impacts of Not Wearing Protective Gear

· knee brace singapore,knee support,basketball jersey
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People like to play sports and join vigorous activities. For this reason, you can feel a surge of excitement and make you forget the necessary steps for safe participation. Take, for example, these two scenarios: you’ll ignore the importance of wearing a knee brace in Singapore when playing basketball. You may skip wearing knee support when riding a bicycle. 

Here are the possible impacts of not wearing protective gear during physical activity. 

1. Injuries 

Accidents are a common occurrence when playing sports. Unfortunately, it can lead to injuries if you’re not wearing protective gear like knee support in Singapore. For the worse part, you’ll end up in the hospital with high medical bills!  

2. Eye Damage 

Sight is one of the most important senses when playing sports. If you’re not wearing protective gear, there's a high risk for eye damage! For sure, you don’t want to experience vision impairment as it can affect life productivity. 

3. Harmful Chemicals Contamination

Without protective gears, sensitive areas may have exposure to harmful chemicals. For instance, you’re working on a construction project. It’s better to wear helmets, goggles, gloves, and even the knee brace to avoid direct chemical contact. Doing so will ensure a healthy body without injuries. 

4. Long-Term Neurological Damage 

If your children like to play sports, make it a habit to wear protective gear such as a knee brace, helmet, and knee support. As such, you’ll be able to avoid long-term neurological damage that may affect their adulthood years too. 

5. Slower Recovery 

If you’re not wearing protective gear, the impact will be much worse and harder to treat. Hence, practice wearing protective gear to lessen the damage. And, during the treatment period, you can follow home remedies, such as using a compression arm sleeve for muscle recovery. 

Be safe when playing sports by buying protective gear from Rigorer. Visit their website to look for a knee brace, knee support, and basketball jersey in Singapore.
