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4 Other Types of Toilet Flushing Systems Available in the Market

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4 More Types of Toilet Flush Systems

Here are four more types of toilet flush systems you can find at home improvement stores. These systems can be more expensive since they use more intricate mechanisms. Continue reading to learn more about each type.

#1 Gravity Flush System

Gravity flush toilets direct the waste to the trap-way from the bowl. There is no siphoning action after each flush to help keep the bowl clean. The operation of these flush systems is very gentle and takes less than two minutes.

#2 Double Cyclone System

The most modern toilet bowl flush system in Singapore home improvement stores is the double cyclone system. It has two nozzles that direct more water to the siphon, creating a more powerful flush. The design uses gravity to carry out the flushing and is very similar to the gravity control toilet.

#3 Dual Flush Toilet

You can control this modern toilet with a control key that gets pressed when needed. Users can choose between a full flush and a fractional flush. The full flush option uses one and a half gallons of water. On the other hand, the partial flush option uses half a gallon. It is more water-efficient since it does not consume water excessively.

#4 Rear Flush

The rear flush system is also known as the up-flush or macerating flushing mechanism. It holds a separate macerator chamber where the solid waste is grounded and expelled out of the bowl. Many European countries use this kind of toilet as it uses little space. This flushing system fits smaller toilet bowl units and Singapore homes.

TOTO offers an array of toilet bowl designs and shapes in different sizes. They are one of the best toilet bowl brands in Singapore and worldwide. You can also find various types of bidet built into the toilet seat or separately at Singapore home improvement stores. Check out a store near you for the different TOTO fixtures and fittings.
