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3 Lessons I Learned About Finding Personalised Gifts Online

· online shopping


Remember back in Christmas when you had to find a gift for your workmate? If not, then you’re one lucky person! Two years ago, I had to endure the torture of finding an ideal gift—something that’s affordable but not too cheap.


I hope you don’t experience the Christmas Craze like I did because it’s a drag!


The 2018 Christmas Craze


I still have memories of going to the mall with crowds of customers waiting in long lines, wandering every corner, and creating a buzzing noise. My ears and body couldn't take it! It doesn't help that I’m also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. The outside world is just a giant maze for me, so finding a gift during the holiday is always challenging.


Thankfully, that was two years ago. And ever since, I dived deeper into the Internet. The Christmas Craze was not a problem anymore, and I can thank online shopping for that.


Last Christmas...


It was the holidays once more, but I wasn't scared of finding a gift for my workmate. Instead of going to the mall, I just used my phone! Thanks to online shopping, life's much more manageable since I can find and product I want on the Internet.


Our office didn't encourage wishlists for unknown reasons, other than "giving from the heart". Although we were allowed to write down clues or suggestions about the kind of gift we wanted.


Fortunately, all my workmate wanted was something "useful, but not too expensive". Well, I was lucky, considering how many online stores offer such a type of gift!


An affordable and useful gift was all I needed to give my workmate last Christmas, and so the hunt began...


3 Lessons I Learned


Let's get on to what I learned last Christmas! And no, I won't mention any jingles or stories about Santa Clause.


First, I learned that if you're out of gift ideas, let an online store in Singapore help you. I visited an online store that sells personalised gifts in Singapore. They have a boatload of gift ideas that you could try out!


Second, it's easier to shop online if you're busy like me. By busy, I mean being constricted by your inherent dilemmas—aka social anxiety. Anyway, if you're just busy with life overall, online shopping can be the solution to all your problems. How so?


When I visited Arch Heritage, their online store was loaded with so many gifts, I lost track of which one's which. At the end of my hunt, I concluded with a gift—a notebook with a handcrafted exterior.


Last but not least, I learned that online shopping is (sometimes) cheaper! It depends on your situation. For instance, I have to drive my car to the mall, which is a bit far away. That can consume a lot of fuel! But if you buy online, you'll only pay for the delivery fee.


If you're looking for quality corporate gifts in Singapore, try searching online! It's accessible and super quick, so you won't waste time in the process.


You could buy from Arch Heritage if you're looking for affordable yet well-crafted gifts! I bought a notebook from their store, and my workmate loved it!